Monday, November 21, 2011

The Misery Industrial Complex and Occupy Wall Street

Many familiar with international child kidnapping (ICK) know this is a growth industry. As such, it has common elements with other sources of excruciating misery that happen to be quite lucrative for other people one comes into contact with as a case runs its course.

By this I mean misery is good business; this is why it grows. Those who write about ICK on official pages, such as those of the State Department, suggest the cause is OUR recently developed age of international travel with open borders conducive to cross-border intimate relationships. I believe this places a secondary influence at the top of the list of causes.

We live in a time of misery-for-profit like never before in human history. It is as if advances in technology that alleviate miseries of the past necessitated new forms of human misery being invented.

Records are set each year pertinent to budgets for hardware of war. Bullets and bombs, aircraft and fuel, high-tech gadgets and the lowest … men with blades … are in continual production. All these add to a global metric of investments in violent means. Add to this another market of misery, that of the fear-security industry.

First there must be fear of loss or of immediate personal danger, then an industry to protect the fearful. It is an ever-increasing business here and internationally. Other people’s fear opens opportunities for a lucrative career or corporation. The intelligence industry, often a partner with private security firms, is a hybrid between private fear-protection and “national interests.” No one knows how much of government intelligence budgets are spent protecting corporate secrets and assets. Be assured it is considerable.

We have disease care to add. There is little truth in the term “health care” unless this is defined as yoga, pilates, exercise spas, amateur sports and the like; in general, investment in what keeps people healthy.  Being certain that many people do become sick is an important part of our misery industrial complex. Because disease care is about 18% of this nation’s index of metrics related to human behavior [aka “the economy] having a constant supply of sick people is critical. If by some chance millions of people took responsibility for their own health within the myriad of ways available to them, shunning the many weapons used against them, a recession would result. A mere 10% drop in the number of people getting sick or seeking disease care would, on average, cause a direct slowdown of 1.8% in gross domestic product. It likely would ripple through other sectors of human economic behavior.

Hence, we need other industries to ensure sickness within the populace, as each “wing” of our misery industrial complex requires a solid foundation. For this we have a chemical industry, parts of which include chemicals used inside and outside our homes or businesses. We grow and process our food with toxic chemicals. Cleaners used within our homes, laden with chemicals combinations to ‘freshen the air,” accumulate in our cells. We are easily fooled by these artificial sensual delights, so we poison ourselves. Of course, none of these poisons are essential to keep around. Their ultimate value is in making people sick. Lawn care? The point is to create pretty places to sit while doped up either recovering from a devastating illness, or one of more than eighty auto-immune diseases (resulting from our bodies natural defense against the poisons we absorb) or slowly but surely fading away. Chemicals are a huge industry and highly profitable, but the true value is their contribution to the misery industrial complex.

Drugs! An essential part of the discomfort-disease misery index, and for a great many of us an important part of the misery-numbing industry. We are numb; therefore we exist. Early on in the fake “war on drugs” we were told that one drug leads to another. On any given day, one can open a YouTube video and witness testimony of a three-year old put on psychotropic drugs to modify his or her behavior, not by parents, but by “child protection services.” Children are forced to imbibe an astounding number of such drugs, nearly all of which are unnecessary. Misery vendors will do almost anything to open the “gateway” very early in a child’s life. This includes a fairly recent strategy: to expose young children, five-year olds, to graphic sexuality under a guise of “socialization, as classes in sexuality.” Included in these premature lessons are statements encouraging students to label themselves homosexual if they happen to like members of their same gender. And what five-year doesn’t? Contributions to the misery index are clear:  children are easily confused and adversely affected by too early exposure to adult sexuality, resulting in emotional damage.  Forcing children to use drugs at an early age also routinely follows separation of one’s parents and consequent alienation from one parent, usually his or her father. At the same time, it is functionally true that children are taught they can have only one biological parent in their lives. The end goal of these strategies is to ensure that children are miserable at an early age, and to treat their confusion, emotional wounds, and natural reactions with a list of drugs. Give them Soma, Orwell wrote in 1934.

The predictable results are that these children will grow older but not smarter, wiser, or any bit better able to cope with life. Additional drug use and rebellious behavior is to be expected, and it comes. The misery begun in a child’s earliest years is carried forward to make other contributions to the misery index and the misery industrial complex.  

All these techniques and factors of life have individual misery in common. I’m certain most readers can add many more misery creators perpetuated for profit, so that every person can be exploited in some way . . . every one of us.

Now, what is Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and Anonymous really about? 

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