Monday, December 19, 2011

A few words about States’ Rights

It’s gotten to a point that generations of Americans who followed us baby Boomers into this world have no clue what States’ Rights are all about. It sounds like permission to pass laws at a state level that differ from what “Big Daddy” Congress decides should be law, or merely deciding state sales, property and income tax rates.

Perception is everything, it is repeated.  Blah, blah . . . and nearly every school child learns it bass awkward. The fact is, the federal government is but an adopted stepchild of these fifty sovereign states united under one contract. It is like fifty franchisers getting together to build a supply warehouse to serve all fifty, and who hire a management team called a congress, senate and judiciary. The franchisers hire a chief executive to oversee logistics, expecting that the management team will also provide security to protect the franchise properties. The hiring process is done through elections. That’s all there is to federal roles and authority.

That security force is our defense force conglomeration, empowered to do what’s necessary to ensure safety of sovereign citizens and their properties. Essentially, the management team is supposed to answer to fifty chief executives, one for each sovereign state. We call them governors, because they are supposed to govern everything within the borders of their sovereign state, judiciously. To ensure that relationship between our security and management team, we send ambassadors to meet with other ambassadors from other states. We call those ambassadors “senators.” When these senators come to agreements with local councilors sent from each geographical region we call “representatives to congress,” together they are allowed to enact laws pertinent to our defense and common welfare. That means that those representatives are supposed to protect us from excess taxation, among other things.

Think of excess taxation as that old “over-billing” trick infamously used by some lawyers and doctors; lawyers sting clients while doctors cheat insurance companies and government agencies. And congress is hired to do for The People what fraud investigators are supposed to do for insurance companies: protect us from theft through over-billing. Yet, it seems a rare congressperson that gets the job description right instead of upside down. When paid large sums of money to read from right to left instead of left to right, that’s what a congressperson learns to do: to read from right to left, and speak in Idiot Tongues.

So, States’ Rights is all about teaching congress, our ambassadors in the senate, and the executive manager what their job description is and has been, and if anyone shows a poor aptitude for the job he or she ought to be fired instantly. That is, not two years later; it can be done within days … more on that another time.

Time is exceedingly precious to get this right. It must be now or it will be too late. We are on the brink of despotism, and if we reach that point it can only end in great quantities of spilled blood. History has proven this, and while I do not endorse any methods of violence I also recognize that a great many have taken up arms throughout history in order to defend freedom. Today is no different; many are armed and ready to resort to violence if they reach a point at which they believe there is no recourse.

States must tame the federal government like a lion tamer teaching a beast to jump through fiery hoops for a circus audience. It means that governors will again have to act as if they are the heads of state they were elected to be, roles understood by historic predecessors, and not second-tier managers. Governors will again have to act as owners who have agreed to hire a common executive manager, a POTUS to manage limited security and general welfare common to all. Governors, working with our ambassadors in the senate, will have to assert their roles as sovereign executives rather than bank couriers for the hired help in Washington, D.C.          

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