Thursday, December 22, 2011

Being positive about life and freedom . . .

Generally I am a very positive person. I step outside in any environment and enjoy the beauty of nature.  It may be snowing, cloudy with rain, or clear blue skies. .  . The beauty and life that abounds is always perceivable … rarely will the call of a bird not be heard.

Leaves on shrubs, herbs, weeds or trees delight in a myriad of tones of green, and occasionally other colors. Flowers can be seen everywhere, and fortunately nearby there are usually bees or other flying insects.

It takes very little to satisfy a willing soul immersed in nature. Life is a lesson in growth and hope. It is infinitely optimistic. Teeming life proves its own optimism, where flowers turn and crane their fragile necks, so they can in turn reach up and kiss the sky. They’re driven by a strange desire, unseen by the human eye. Some one is calling.” [from Dead Can Dance, “The Carnival is Over.”]

Despite my deep optimism for life and hope for people I have been compelled to acknowledge increasing threats to a great many values and freedoms that I consider essential to life and freedoms we have enjoyed thus far.

Generic “politics” is a turn-off for most people, as it is for me. I don’t like politics, and I don’t like abuses of power that seem to inevitably follow too many elected officials and corporate operatives.

Early in life I was taught that one might commit “sins of omission” by failing to act rather than merely by acting, for example, by abusing power. Without hesitation I admit to falling in this category, of one who offends by failing to act in ways possible for my own benefit or that of others. I’ve been far from perfect. Thankfully, the number of persons potentially influenced at any given time has been few.

Becoming involved in politics as an activist or critic goes against my basic desire for privacy. Yet, circumstances compel me to write and take action on matters that cannot be ignored.

“What has been seen cannot be unseen.”

Much of what I have enjoyed most in life is being threatened by reprehensible corporate and governmental actions. Those in government “elected” or appointed to represent our best interests: yours, mine, and those of all our families, are not acting within their powers to protect and preserve our inalienable rights to life and liberty. Many are undeniably doing the opposite.

Critical thinking precludes me from indulging in “conspiracy theories.” Just as patterns of behavior are recognizable in a person, so too are patterns of behavior recognizable in corporations and bodies of government. Actions are warning signs and should be taken as such. It does no one any good to speculate as to motives or possible “blueprints” behind factual actions, and in doing so fall into a trap of espousing “theories” on what is to come or which secret organization is responsible for any given pattern.

Life itself, which thrives all around us, is a gift provided by our Creator. The freedom to secure this abundance for our survival and that of future generations must never be suppressed. It is not a privilege to be granted by any government or corporation. It has been incrementally treated as such.

To forcefully take away what has been given to all life by our Creator is arrogance within evil.

Should we “fight for our rights” then? It seems to me, NO.

To fight for rights is to engage an enemy in battle; that is little more than a petition for privileges, or asking permission. We have inalienable rights that cannot be granted by those whom we would fight. We can only assert these rights by using them. 

Where or when governments and corporations seek to take from anyone a right to grow food, grow food because one has an inalienable right to the sustenance of food.

Where or when “powers that be” seek to suppress speech, be sure to speak, write, and spread your beliefs widely.

Where or when powers that seek control over your religious expression assert themselves, be equally assertive in expressing your beliefs and living them, for they are nothing but tepid air unless lived.   

Going to a voting booth to cast your ballot is never sufficient to assert your rights; it is a bare, scant minimum. Here are a few positive steps to consider, each one a countermeasure to what others would impose upon us:

·         Form and keep a two-parent relationship to raise your children
·         Educate your children at home
·         Practice your religion throughout your day, week and year
·         Store food and non-food provisions “just in case”
·         Grow an organic garden at home
·         Teach others how to grow diverse food crops
·         Stay away from television
·         Become self-insured
·         Learn and teach your sovereign rights
·         Allow a homeless person/family to camp on your property and help in your garden
·         Keep bicycles in good working order, perhaps include a motorized one
·         Get off the electric power grid, and if not disconnected, be prepared to be

In pursuit of what is right and just, be no less than flowers, “driven by a strange desire, unseen by the human eye. 

"Some One is calling . . ."

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