Monday, January 12, 2015

Your bloodline and mine definitely intertwine

So many people today want to blame wars on religion, and use this as an excuse to stay away from organized religion. There is abundant irony in this, and I love irony.

Crusader by Vlados7

Christianity, for me, gets most of the blame, partly because people these days are taught that the Crusades created our present wars with jihadists, ISIS, ISIL, and some might find ties to North Korea as well. Irony abounds because Christianity wasn’t practice during those Crusades, except on an individual level, by wives and children who travelled with soldiers and mercenary warriors. Thus it is wrong to blame the Church for bloodshed caused by its unpracticed religion, just as it is wrong to blame the whole of the Islamic world for jihad. 

People were generally ignorant. But they were not ignorant because the Catholic Church of the time wanted to keep them ignorant in order to swell its ranks with Believers. People were ignorant because the fall of the Roman Empire caused a widespread closure of schools, and fewer people became literate.

Yet, Christians knew to a great extent teachings of the Church. They knew, for example, the concept of the Sacred Heart of Yeshua ben Joseph, whim we know as Jesus Christ.  They knew, too, the bloodline of Mary, his biological mother and the concept of her Sacred Heart. Despite that widespread ignorance of the period, these followers knew essential and quite interesting concepts that escape most people today.

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Leap forward in time to the present. Somewhere in this series I’ve written of memory being transferred from person to person in heart transplant operations. A child died suddenly; that child’s heart was transferred into another child, who was a couple of years older. Very detailed memories were recalled in the heart recipient. The surviving child knew the deceased child’s sister, by name and recognition among many other definitive things unique to the deceased child’s family. Books have been written on this subject, and doctors have hit the lecture circuit.

The importance of heart memory over brain memory is, well, astounding.

Christians believe in the Sacred Heart of Yeshua, Jesus Anointed as Our Devine Savior.  (Our” is meant to apply to everyone, not solely Christians.) Out of widespread ignorance of those “Dark Ages” comes a truth that we are yet to fathom today:  Heart is more important than brains, and knowledge in the form of information.

We symbolize love as a Gift of the Heart. So we have Valentine’s Day, overdone with hearts and red to symbolize blood rather than roses.  

Mothers feed their fetuses through blood, and placenta takes its nourishment from a mother’s blood to be passed the human fetus in her womb. Blood is the source of life, and blood is the essence of life which we must have. Blood carries oxygen to the brain, which shuts down when blood stops flowing through its passages. We carry thousands of miles of blood-lines within us, by common estimates as much as 60,000 miles. And if a child dies, a mother often feels as if part of her own circulatory system has shut down, her heart may harden, and part of her life is deadened.
Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows  

Those ignorant Christians accepted the importance of blood – Sacred Blood – tied to love and humanity coexisting in peace. Christ gave his blood to humanity, to save us from ourselves. “This is My Blood of the New Covenant,” the New Agreement. And, “My peace I give you.”

Geneticists disagree on whether or not there was a First Couple, as we have been told in the story of Adam and Eve. Some believe that, despite the fantasies of Dawkins, who proposed that we have common ancestors with gorillas and other hominidae, that there indeed was a First Woman who is our common ancestor. Science definitely supports this theory through genetic research and mathematics. Thus we know that Mitochondrial Eve did exist, and that we are all her descendants. We share her common bloodline. 

Science fans can check out the information here:  Our most recent common ancestor

The Sacred Heart of Mary, mother of Yeshua in Palestine 2,000 years ago, has represented this bloodline of humanity from the moment of her conception. Bloodlines have played a significant role in the ancestry of Mary traced back to King David of Israel about a thousand years earlier. The Gospel of Mathew opens with the genealogy strangely enough traced to Joseph, believed to be the stepfather of Yeshua rather than his biological father. Then, on the Cross, Jesus said to John, “Behold your mother …” in reference to humanity.

Everyone alive today is a descendant of someone alive when Jesus spoke to his disciples in informal conversations, lectures within synagogues, and to John from the Cross. We are family. We were given His Peace, and His Blood, for our sake, and this included all of humanity.

But where are we now?

It appears that we are more ignorant of the importance of our bloodlines than the people of the Dark and Middle Ages were of literacy and science. We live in an age in which people proudly say, “Nothing is sacred.”  

Valentine's Day Symbolism

The love that a deceased boy had for his sister is carried to another child within his transplanted heart, along with memories of little things that were precious to him. Life is sacred, and life is carried in our blood.

But we know that disease and death also are flowing through our bloodstreams as well. Whether in forms of hatred or biological nuisances, we carry the means of our own destruction within us. Values we hold play an essential role in the quality and quantity of life that we live, and for how long. Coincident with our common bloodline, whether we make peace or war becomes a factor of what we think and believe, what we hold and what we release.

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